Hello all, before the last qualifier and the summer doldrums set in a bit here at the Tavern, one last interactive piece for the Iran game.
Before that though, if you remember I put out a poll for who the best Korean player of all time was. The results were very straightforward. Cha Bum-Kun was easily voted #1 followed by Hong Myeong-Bo, and then Park Ji-Sung.
The new poll is: What should Choi Kang-Hee’s starting XI be for the Iran match? Any sort of result will guarantee automatic qualification, but a lopsided loss, coupled with a lopsided win for Uzbekistan, would see Korea drop into the playoff spot.
You can chose any formation you want, and any players in the squad (*note – Park Jong-Woo is suspended once again for yellow card accumulation).
If you need it, the squad list is:
GK: Jung Sung-Ryong, Kim Young-Kwang, Lee Bum-Young
DEF: Kim Chi-Woo, Kwak Tae-Hwi, Kim Young-Kwon, Kim Ki-Hee, Jung In-Hwan, Kim Chang-Soo, Park Joo-Ho, Jang Hyun-Soo, Shin Kwang-Hoon
MID: Han Kook-Young, Lee Myeong-Joo, Kim Nam-Il, Lee Chung-Yong, Lee Keun-Ho, Lee Seung-Gi, Ji Dong-Won, Kim Bo-Kyung, Hwang Ji-Soo
FOR: Son Heung-Min, Kim Shin-Wook, Lee Dong-Gook
So, leave your XI in the comments section below!
Example: 4-2-3-1 player 1, player 2, player 3, etc.
Mine’s on BigSoccer
For the ease of our beloved readers: Jinseok’s lineup (via bigsoccer) is: 4-2-3-1, Jung Sung-Ryong; Kim Chang-Soo, Jang Hyun-Soo, Kim Young-Kwon, Kim Chi-Woo; Han Kook-Young, Lee Myeong-Joo; Lee Chung-Yong, Kim Bo-Kyung, Son Heung-Min; Ji Dong-Won
Oops I didnt realize there was a format. Sorry.
I chose this lineup because to me it strikes a balance between offense and defense: Han to shield the back four (oh Kwak is injured btw if he was healtgy I would have gone woth the Uzbek defense), Lee Myung Joo and Kim Bo Kyung to link up to the all out offense of Ji Son Lee.
However, if we are going to longball all game like vs. Uzbekistan, Kim Shin Wook is the better option
No worries, I just did it so people could see it easily.
In the spirit of change (although it won’t happen), I’d like to see a 4-3-3.
Jung Sung-Ryong; Kim Chang-Soo, Kim Young-Kwon, Jang Hyun-Soo, Park Joo-Ho; Han Kook-Young, Lee Myeong-Joo, Kim Nam-Il; Son-Heung-Min, Kim Bo-Kyung, Lee Chung-Yong.
Mine’s a bit more defensive since the important thing is to keep the scoreline down and secure at least a point. I would include Kwak Tae-Hwi (assuming recovery) instead of Jang Hyun-Soo. Kim Nam-Il and Han Kook-Young can shield against counters, while Lee Myeong-Joo can focus on distribution. The front three are interchangeable, good on the ball, and have decent pace.
Jung Sung-Ryong
Kim Chang-Soo Kim Young-Kwon Jang Hyun-Soo Park Joo-Ho
Lee Myeong-Joo
Lee Chung-Yong Lee Keun-Ho
Son Heung-Min
Ji Dong-Won
4-4-2 rue..I know this will not happen, but to me it would be the best formation to fill the gap of Koo and Ki and their passing abilities…
damn…forgot Kim Bo-Kyung as OM..sorry