Park Ju Young Scores First Goal!!!!!!!

No, you’re not hallucinating. He scored a very nice goal already!

That’s right folks, PJY has gotten back into action and scored a 1-0 winning goal in extra time to grab 3 points for his new team, Al Shabab, against Kwak Tae Hwi’s Al Hilal, the team that LYP used to play for (KTH is in the video, he’s #23)

That was quite a play he made there – if he can consistently keep this up I want him back on the NT ASAP. It’s been too long since we’ve had a reliable striker (since what, 2011?)

About Jinseok 262 Articles
Diehard Korean football fan.


  1. I am sure you have your reasons but for me, Park Chu Young has failed to show anything. His time has come and gone, and at 29 year old, we need to invest in 2018 World Cup. By keeping him on the KNT, we are reviewing the past instead of building a future.

    • I championed for PJY in previous WC, however, it’s a new cycle and he has to prove himself all over again. ST/FW depth for Korea is limited, so.. you can’t rule him out completely (one of many reasons why LDG continues to get his chance) but PJY has to play consistently, improve & sustain good form for a long stretch before he should be considered again.

      It’s time to trial other FWs (KSD, Ji, Kim Shin-Wook or whomever) & even change tactic/formation for variation. I hate how Korea is rooted to one top formation as if that’s the only formation or tactical approach. Korea stagnated for the past 4 yrs (way too predictable in offense) & it’s time for Korea to play catch up in modern tactic/football.

  2. God, he scores one goal and everybody goes crazy…

    It’s just one freaking goal.

    BTW, interestingly, there was no prayer celebration this time. He still slammed his knees though (wince). Maybe b/c of different environment – Christian prayer wouldn’t be appropriate in mainly Muslim country? Or am I reading *way* too much into this…

    • I’d never wish failure on any of our boys (or girls), and if Park rounds back into form, then great. But seriously, did everyone already forget Greece? How he scored on his return to the NT and everyone claimed he was back? Then how he stunk it up after that? It’s a nice goal, but let’s not get carried away.

      • But here’s the thing, I don’t see anyone necessarily getting carried away – it’s a nice goal as you say…but he’s not just any random Korean player. He’s a lightning rod and subject of endless debates. The ex captain of the KNT, the player who struck the game winner against Japan to help korea get their first Olympic medal (Ki, Koo, Ji helped thier cause of obtaining military exemption as well). Whether you or anyone else likes him or not, he has been a larger than life player for Korea, a once influential player and let’s not mince words here, a player who has hit the skids for the past several seasons. But I’ve maintained that a player like Park in-form can make or break a KNT who’s currently bereft of strikers particularly with the skill sets he has (I’m virtually paraphrasing you Jae). it is a relevant event and definitely post worthy to see Park attempt to get regular club minutes, get back to form and in his first game at al Shabab, he’s already made impact, a game winner. Talk about an interesting narrative. Does it mean Park is completely back, of course not and echoing Takeuchi, he has to prove himself to be worthy of KNT inclusion. Let’s remember, his home Celta Vigo debut was a nice goal, but he wasn’t able to follow it up convincingly -partly due to getting injured immediately afterward. His strike against Greece lastMarch concluded with a long injury/recovery from which he never adequately shed his rust. If he can avoid injury, can keep up good performances followed by a better transfer move , who’s to say Park can’t be impactful again for the KNT? I don’t think you’ll disagree: KNT needs all the help it can get. I’m not saying you are doing this but no one should automatically count Park out – and should he return to form – he’s had a long strange journey to find it again. that really should be the contextetual backdrop in appreciating this goal.

        • ^Jae, I don’t think people are overreacting when it comes to PCY. He’s been korea’s most talented striker for the last decade and warrants this much press. Also it’s unfair to mention the Greece/WC14. The dude should never have been called up since he hadn’t played for two years. But because of the sorry state of korea’s strikers HMB actually felt the need to call him. lol. The guy obviously tried his best when asked but predictably out-of-form, so who’s to blame. Definitely a scapegoat. If someone else can step up and firmly replace PCY as our 9 that’d be awesome and no one would care so much about PCY anymore.

          ^Tavern, I completely agree with everything in your post.

        • Haha, well.. someone is clearly a PJY homer.

          Anyways, I agree with Jae and his comment. “Lets not get carried away”. Also, I strongly disagree PJY can make or break KNT. Even at his best during his peak years, he did not imo.

          Let’s look at PJY’s stats when it mattered.

          2006 WC – umm, do I need to speak of his contribution vs Swiss??

          2010 WC – 1 goal from set piece & I clearly remember his failure to convert a clear cut chance against Greece (that beautiful through ball by Park Ji Sung.. sigh).

          2014 WC – frustrating

          Now, some of you will point out 2012 Olympics. He was good but again, it was U-23 tournament where PJY only showed up against Japan.

          From 2006 to 2010 WC, it was a case of how to best utilize his talent for KNT. From 2010 to 2014, it should have been the same if it wasn’t for his woeful/depressing club career. I’m a fan of PJY but this is a new cycle with new manager. The guy is 29 and he will only get slower from now on. For me, he is going to face the same criticism and scrutiny as LDG no matter what he achieved in the past. No player is bigger than the club and it applies to Korea as well. PJY at this stage is a fringe player at best. Even if he were to return to “form”, this won’t be the same player as he was in his early 20s. For me, a sustained good form from PJY deserves a call-up. However, he has to compete with other hopefuls and be re-evaluated based on what he can offer to the team (for ex: LDG is in good form but he offers squat to KNT). He can’t be seen as the “messiah/answer” even with the bereft of FW talent.

          • Sure no one person can necessarily carry a team and I should clarify by ‘make or break’ – a reference specifically to 2014 WC. Football is always a team effort, but 1 goal can potentially make a difference in a game or in that case a WC campaign. Had Park been able to deliver…but coulda woulda should later – he simply didn’t. Neither did a number of prominent big name strikers for other respective national sides last summer but that doesn’t give pcy a pass. I simply repeat that pcy shouldn’t necessarily be viewed as a messiah for all the KNT striker woes, (or the scapegoat either) simply that an in form PCY would help, period. No one should be busting anyone’s balls for celebrating a Korean brother scoring. Im not going to take issue with anyone who couldnt give a rats ass about it neither. Can we all agree, Let’s call it what it is, a good goal and possibly a sign from the gods of luck that pcy will be back on the path towards football righteousness and out of the wilderness —Amen?

        • We disagree about whether it’s a “relevant event”. For me, your key phrase is “a once influential player”. Yes, he once was. Now he’s not. You say it’s an interesting narrative, I disagree. I think it’s an old and tired narrative. As you said, we saw it with Celta Vigo, Watford, and the NT. Every time the story ended the same way: promising start, poor end. Until Park shows this story is different it’s not worth telling imo.

          • Ah but there is a difference already jae…no sliding knee injuring prayer goal celebration! No injuries might = a very different outcome! Take it from monty python, always look on the bright side of life (and whistle like a madman)

          • Holy shit we’re still talking about this?!

            And yes, he did do the fall-to-his-knees celebration, but it wasn’t a prayer but a pointing to the sky. Korean media went crazy (well not really, but they still mentioned it and wrote articles about it) when he didn’t pray instead.

    • @timlee i thought the exact same thing, i was wondering whether he’d pray but he didn’t. He’d probably get booed if he had done that

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