Weekend Roundup 10/17-19 [updated]

A slightly more eventful weekend compared to usual, with SHM coming agonizingly close to his 2nd hattrick and surprising starts / good shifts from the others:

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The noteworthy videos that surfaced this weekend:


Can LCY and bolton finally leave the Championship? Probably not but who knows? Maybe next season?

As for YSY.. I can’t believe he started but hey didn’t do too bad



Tavern owner intruding with an update: we initially missed Suk Hyun-Jun’s goal, his 2nd for CD Nacional as the Portuguese Liga was not in session this past weekend – instead it was during a Portugal Cup match – which they beat up Alacanenense  6-1 in the process. They advance to the 4th round of the tournament. Scroll to 1:43 below to see Suk’s goal (oddly enough, the other goal he scored for his team was also in foggy conditions…how about this for Suk’s new nickname: the velvet fog.  Catchy? No?  Ok, I’ll go back to tending the bar).

About Jinseok 262 Articles
Diehard Korean football fan. https://www.taegukwarriors.com/jinseoks-story/


  1. I appreciated the sarcasm in Koo’s status.

    I took immediate notice when Neil Lennon was appointed Bolton’s new manager and knew it was a good sign for things to come for one of our brightest stars. Look like I along with many I hope were right. It appears to have been an immediate shot in the arm for our primary RWer and has injected new confidence in him. I see only good things coming from this relationship. Having the newfound confidence from a man who seems to appreciate the talent coming out of South Korea, Ill be keeping closer tabs on LCY.

    Interesting that Lennon is experimenting with Lee. That should illustrate the emulation he has for Lee’s dynamic capabilities. He obviously sees him as a danger man and wants to see what he can do in various roles for the teams offense.

    Obviously a player may never get over the psychological scars from an event that took away so many months off his career but with the right manager he may get closer to what he’s able to do now.

    This is very encouraging to me.

    • Completely agree! I remember when he was playing with Bolton when they were in the EPL he would often make runs through the centre after cutting in from the right, I think this could (still very cautious) be a masterstroke by Lennon if played out right.
      Lee Chungyong is getting closer and closer to his best i think

  2. On the other side of the coin, I watch Yun play in the Pool QPR game, and I hope Im not being over cynical here…but I am not confident in his game at all not as wingback. Its great to have that option but Ive never been a huge fan of the offensive wingback unless true talent lies with the individual. Some may think Im being hasty, but I don’t. I could go on about it but Ill just leave it at I don’t think he has a great sense of the position he plays ,especially defensively. There were more than a few dangerous Liverpool moments where it seemed like Yun was constantly out of position and that if the ball was better placed, it would be his responsibility.

    Ita no use constantly complaining about our back line when there are no foreseeable upcoming talent gaps coming our way so this will be one of my last notes on it.

    Funny, I used to complain about LYP, but now I see how wrong I was about him. He truly was one of the greats we’ve ever had. Good thing we have Cha. SMH

    • I was thoroughly impressed by Yun Sukyoung but I think a lot of it was because:
      1. He kept Sterling scoreless(even though Sterling wasn’t playing great either)
      2. He would still be super rusty.
      Although if you were one to complain about LYP then i suggest you wait for a while for YSY to get more playing time because he’s a gun

      • This is more a reply to Kimchi. YSY is ok.. but, he doesn’t yet play with confidence and saavy. you need those things to play more controlled the way LYP did. As for being impressed YSY for keeping Sterling scoreless, I’d say that doesn’t mean all that much as Sterling still ended up having an impact on the game, but all of Liverpool played pretty poorly anyway. That said, even if it wasn’t impressive, it was certainly worthy of a ray a hope.

        • For his first EPL game, it was not a bad performance at all for Yun. 1st half he was pretty solid and Loftus Road crowd was showing some love for Yun.

          he needs more games in – but is showing good potential.

          from what I saw -strictly on defense – mostly good marks – though in the 2nd he (and the rest of the backline) lost concentration on that quick restart for Liverpool’s 1st goal. Overall his tackles were timed well. His passing/distribution was fairly decent and showed good instincts there.

          Crosses are still problematic (save for his 1st cross early in the game – spot on to Zamora and nearly led to a goal), his 1st half adventures in advanced territories weren’t too shabby. 1-1 deep in liverpool territory, he nearly got past Sterling – and later won a few CKs for QPR. Played more conservatively in the 2nd half – but alarmingly – even though he wasn’t directly responsible for the 2nd and 3rd goals conceded, late in the game he lost the players he was marking – that could’ve been on Yun had they connected.

          What a thoroughly bizarre game -just bonkers…losing is a QPR habit that’s hard to break.

          Loftus Road folks I think were pretty happy with Yun yesterday but knowing Harry and his penchant for utter mismanagement – I won’t be surprised if Yun gets forgotten again. We shall see…

  3. What I like about Neil Lennon is that he can work with talents. He is familiar with asian players since he himself played alongside nakamura. He as a manager has already worked with KSY and Cha Du Ri with much success. It would be interesting to see LCY play advanced midfielder more with Bolton and hopefully make that progression carry into the national team.

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